Monday, June 18, 2012

.~Mini Memory Art Quilt Monday.~ Week 1

The lesson's I am learning from Marilu Henner's new book Total Memory Makeover inspired me to create mini memory art quilts.  I have finished my first one.  This design was conceived after I did a memory retrieval exercise that she gave us to do during her Memory Makeover Class.
In Marilu's book, she talks about different categories of memory retrieval: Horizontal, Vertical, Mushrooming and Sporadic. I tend to go straight for the sporadic for some reason.  Maybe it is because I grew up in the San Fran Bay Area in the 70's!
Sporadic memories, according to Marilu, are "sparked in your mind for no apparent reason, random images that pop into your head seemingly disconnected from what. is going on in the present time."
Basically, you start remembering one thing, which leads to another which leads to another.  Once you get going it is very hard to stop!  I find it quite exhilarating! 
Here is my first design that spawned from a sporadic memory session.

Marcel MarSnow
Scout & Harlequinn Hulabaloo
The starting memory was this:
First grade in art class making a snowman out of cotton balls.
Feeling pretty proud of my artwork.
The teacher told me to sign my name at the right hand corner of the pink construction paper, I remember this huge adrenaline rush go through my entire body.  I think it was at that time I decided that I wanted to be an artist.
Thinking of the snowman artwork led me to think about coming home from school. I looked so forward to seeing, Coa~Coa, our family dog who I loved (and still do) more than life itself. I started thinking how I would put biscuits on Coa~Coa's nose and have her hold them there for a minute and then I say go and she would fling the bisuit up in the air and catch it in her mouth.  She loved that game.  I changed out the biscuit from my memory to a red ball.
This is me and Coa~Coa
Now that memory led me to one of the happiest teenage memories. My mom took me to see Marcel Marceau at the Greek Theater in Berkeley, CA.  He was magnificent.  Through his entire performance, I felt that same adrenaline rush that I felt in first grade when I signed my artwork.
( I've learned from Marilu that memories that evoke the release of adrenaline are some of the easier memories to retrieve.) My mom managed a way for us to get back stage after the performance. I met  Mr. Marceau. He held my hand and it was so warm. That moment created yet another adreninline rush.  I will never for get that moment or that feeling.

Marcel Marceau
The  memory of feeling the warmth of Marcel Marceau's hands made me think of my bird  Harlequin Hullabaloo. He was a birthday gift that my mom got me when I was 12-year-old. I taught him how to talk.  And in the morning while getting ready for school, he would fly up on my shoulder and cuddle up under my hair on the nape of my neck. He always started my day that way.

That memory led me to think about my father, because I remember when my Harlequin Hullaboo passed away and my father helped me with the funeral arrangements.  I remember how sad I was and how comforting he was to me.  I can hear his voice right now and feel his hugs.

This is me and my dad
And thinking of my dad reminded me of the time he took me to the circus for the first time. It was my birthday.  I think I might have been nine or ten.  A three ring circus to boot!  It was loads of fun and one of my most fondest birthdays I can remember. My most favorite part was the clowns.  They made me laugh so hard.

And then I had to stop thinking because it was time to get ready for work. Otherwise I could have gone on a "sporadic" memory adventure for hours and hours!"
It was enough info to help design this little quilt block.

All the key elements from my memory session are there:
1. The snowman
2. The dog (which I named Scout because that was another memory I have of loving the movie to Kill A Mocking Bird)
3. Marcel Marceau: As Bip, he always wore a sailor suit and had a red flower coming out of his top hat. However I changed the top hat this this plaid hat because it reminded me of the hat my godfather, Jack Haley wore when he came to visit us. Jack by the way was the Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz.
4. There is the little bird.
5. And the little pennants that represent the circus.
That was super fun to make and I used wool from my stash and Aurifil thread both wool (white) and 12 wt cotton.(black) By the way, you can buy Aurifil thread at The Bigfork Bay Cotton Company
I hope this encourages you to make a memory quilt too!
If you do, be sure to share it with me!
Onto the next memory session!