Wednesday, December 29, 2010


.~Sale into the New Year with Wisteria.~

Yesterday I stopped by the library and scored a handul of Better Homes and Gardens magazines.  This am I have been perusing a list of suggested websites from thier December 2010 issue.  The Wisteria Catalog stopped me in my tracks!  There is a lot of web window shopping to be done here.  I surely have my work cut out for me. 

Look at these quaint Little French Sailboats

My friend Jane would just love this.  She is a quilter and a world travelor.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

.~Meet Liilian: Prima Folk Art Ballerina.~

"Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.  I may not reach them, but I can look and believe in them and try to follow where they lead" ~ Louise May Alcott

This is one of my most favorite sketches,  I know on the original sketch, I named the character Daisy.  But it really never was her name.  Her true name is Lillian.  And she is my alter ego.  Not that I ever wanted to be named Lillian because I love my name. I think the day I sketched this it was summertime and I was looking at a field of wild daisies and that is why named her that for the time being.

But obviously, her name is Lillian.  Anyone can clearly see that.

To continue the story about how Lillian came to be, is that my mother - Lareen Fender - was a a very  talented dancer and continued on to become a very famous ballet teacher.  As a child, I thought how amazing it would be to become a famous ballet dancer, but alas I just didn't have the gift for it.

But I did try to dance.  I did take ballet lessons.  I did take jazz and modern dance lessons as well.  And I was ok at it, but I just didn't have the gift to become a famous dancer. What I possibly do have a knack for is folk art.  So chances are that I might have become a famous folk art ballet dancer.  But seeing as ballet is more suited to the classical folk, I am not quite sure that folk art ballet would have ever taken off.

But if it did take off, I think Lillian would be the one who would have been the Prima Folk Art Dancer don't you think?  Look at that perfect folk art body and attire!

.~Mr. Saturday Night.~

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Lent Me Entertain You!"

Although Elul takes place in August - Septemeber, this seems like a fitting post as we go into a new year.

"With the beginning of Elul, one awakens to teshuva—repentance—turning back to the path. Hearing the shofar helps to make for such an awakening. Elul is a period of preparation. It involves "introspection, review of the year, and preparation for repentance." Selichot, or penitential prayers, are said the Saturday before Rosh Hashanah, for a minimum of 4 days beforehand. On the first night of Selichot, prayers are said at midnight. This intensifies the approach to the "Days of Awe," the ten days encompassing Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.1 "

"So perhaps Elul can be seen as kind of a Jewish Lent. It is a time of anticipation, meditation and penitence, leading up to the greatest days of the Jewish year, especially the Sabbath of Sabbaths—Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. This is similar to Christians anticipating Resurrection Sunday, whether in a formal sense (Lent), or a less formal reflection on the season. As a Jewish believer in Jesus, I feel the parallel keenly."
From The Website Jews For Jesus  by Eric Verby

.~Cheep Skate.~

"A cheapskate has a balanced, honest and dignified approach to money management. It's someone who doesn't spend more than they earn or let money and material possessions rule their thoughts and desires. A cheapskate does not buy on impulse,"
 ~ Mary Hunt

Monday, December 20, 2010

.~Owl Together Now.~

I have a cajillion sketchbooks laying around everywhere! 
One day I hope to compile all my little sketches in one book.
In the meantime, I am just posting them on my blog.
It is fun to see where my ideas originate from.
And it is even more fun to watch them come to life in a painting or a textile piece.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

.~ Half Lost.~

"I sat staring, staring, staring - half lost, learning a new language or rather the same language in a different dialect. So still were the big woods where I sat, sound might not yet have been born."  ~ Emily Carr

.~Great Soul's.~

Saturday, December 18, 2010

.~ My Cowboy.~

Look at that face -
Just look at it,
Look at that fabulous face of yours.
I knew first look I took at it,
This was the face that the world adores.

Look at those eyes -
As wise and as deep as the sea.
Look at that nose -
It shows what a nose should be.

As for your smile, it's lyrical -
Friendly and warm as a summer's day -
That face is just a miracle.
Where could I ever find words to say

The way that it makes me happy
Whatever the time or place?
I'll find in no book
What I find when I look
At that face.

~ Andrew Lloyd Webber

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

.~Holly Birdie by Woolin Rouge.~

Holly Birdie
By Woolin Rouge Designs
Designers Sylvia Gauthier
Traci Suzanne Marvel
Available For Purchase in my Etsy Store

I could not be more excited that the Holly Birdie Table Ensemble is Now Shipping!  To purchase the pattern please  Check with your local quilt shop or contact the Bigfork Bay Cotton Company
toll-free at 866-245-5718.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

.~Reindeer Effect.~

The Reindeer Effect
4" X 4"
Fine Art Print
Purchase Here: Racytay's Etsy's Shop

Discovered a wonderful fine art photographer this morning.
Take a look!

Friday, December 10, 2010


So hold her closer when she cries, hold her closer when she feels. She needs a hand to hold, someone who will never let her go again. And hold him closer when he tries to hold the tears back from his eyes. Don't say goodbye. Anonymous quotes

Thursday, December 9, 2010

.~Lia Lane, Cowgirl and Spirit.~

Painting By Lia Lane
Website: Lia's Beeswaxed
Read Lia's Artist Interview
 by Creative Apple Fine Art Photography
On November 30th, 2010 I was sitting at my kitchen table with Cowgirl at my feet.  While scratching her ears, I was soothing my soul by conversing with fellow artists in the Etsy Chat Room.  On this magical night, I met a most amazing artist by the name of Lia Lane. 
Her artwork immediately caught my heart.
I chatted to Lia about Cowgirl's challenges with cancer and  her upcoming operation. I let her know how precarious the next couple of days would be. Just as I was signing off, Lia caught me and told me that she wanted to gift me with a painting.  I was so amazed at her generosity.  I told her that I would so love to trade art for art.  She picked out Sweet Medicine and Passing Through.  I was thrilled.
On December 2nd, 2010, Cowgirl and I walked into the waiting room at the Mountain Vista Veternarian Clinic. As soon as we opened the door there was a most beautiful black cat named Spirit waiting for us. 
My mouth dropped as I immediatley flashbacked on Lia's painting. (By the way for those who do not know me, I have red hair like the girl in the painting.)
Sadly Cowgirl did not survie the operation.  Her cancer had taken her over.
But isn't this a most amazing story?
It depicts exactly how I feel right now about the loss of my Cowgirl.
And I think that Spirit the cat was there to help Cowgirl cross over.
Lia thank-you for your giving heart.
I will treasure this painting always.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

.~Ode to Elizabeth Edwards.~

Dear Elizabeth, You fought a valiant fight with such grace.
Thank-you for teaching me lessons on nobility.
Sending out prayers to your family and loved ones.
You are the one who is at Peace now.
They are the ones who are suffering.
ox Traci Suzanne ox

Monday, December 6, 2010

.~Remembering Ann.~

Thinking of my friend Ann today~